News: About EMINET


The project “Developing a network of active organisations in the field of migration (EMINET)” aims to strengthen the capacity of Romanian NGOs to participate in formulating migration policies. The first objective is to evaluate the impact of migration policies upon the labour market in Romania, through a complementary research upon the impacts of immigration and emigration on the labour market. The research results after the two project years and the knowledge exchange with national and international organisations in the area of influencing migration policies offers the Romanian NGOs a necessary basis of know-how and good practices for initiating change.

The NGOs' role of dialogue partners for changing migration policies will be consolidated through the advocacy campaign which aims to amend certain punctual legislation aspects, highlighted during the research and consultations with the network members. The legislative changes will be promoted through the joint effort of an advocacy coalition, consisting of organisations who activate in the field of migration and at the same time are members of the network created in a previous project of the Applicant. The target groups of EMINET are NGOs and institutions with advocacy and migration activities, decision makers, students and human rights activists.

The project is implemented between 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2017. The grant applied for is 249,515 CHF, and the association's own contribution is 28,000 CHF, of which cash contribution s 16,000 CHF and in kind contribution 12,000 CHF.

Project co-financed by a grant from Switzerland through the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union.
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Proiect co-finanţat printr-un grant din partea Elveţiei prin intermediul Contribuţiei Elveţiene pentru Uniunea Europeană extinsă.
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